štvrtok 4. novembra 2010

VAAI - vStorage APIs for Array Integration alias potvrdenie kvality NetApp rieseni

VAAI Plug-in pre VMware vSphere 4.1 spristupnuje SCSI primitivy, ktore pre zvysenie vykonu, umoznuju diskovemu polu vyuzit niektore VMware operacie a to na urovni meta data. V podstate su pridane tri nove SCSI prikazy, ktore musi vediet pouzit dane pole.
Su to tieto:
Full Copy – Xcopy like function to offload work to the array
Write Same -Speeds up zeroing out of blocks or writing repeated content
Atomic Test and Set – Alternate means to locking the entire LUN

The ATS primitive reduces the number of commands required to successfully acquire an on-disk lock.
VAAI calls for an ATS primitive to atomically modify a sector on disk without the use of SCSI reservations and the need to lock out other hosts from concurrent LUN access.


Existuje storage riesenie, ktore zintegrovalo spominane funkcionality v roku 2007!
Je to NetApp:

Dalsie info:
vStorage APIs for Array Integration FAQ
Hladaj retazec VAAI v dokumente Full Storage Compatibility Guide a najdes polia, ktore dokazu pouzit VAAI primitivy.

Zoznam diskovych poli podporujucich VAAI:

utorok 2. novembra 2010