štvrtok 8. júla 2010

Licencovanie a management VMware ESXi 3.5 free edition a standalone VMware ESXi 4.x

Ak je potrebne Standalone VMware ESXi 4.x managovat cez VMware vCenter, je potrebne zakupit vSphere licencie na dany pocet Socketov ESXi serverov.

Informacia z VMware Knowledge Base:

Adding an ESXi host to vCenter Server 4.0 fails with the error: Host cannot be added to the VCenter as there are not enough Virtual Center Agent Licenses

If an ESXi host is licensed with the free version of the license key, you cannot add it to vCenter Server. This license does not contain the VirtualCenter Agent, which is necessary to manage a host with vCenter Server. This feature remains locked as long as the host is licensed with the free version of the license key.

To add ESXi hosts to vCenter Server, you must license the ESXi hosts with:

* vSphere Essentials

* vSphere Standard, Advanced, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus

Adding an ESXi host to vCenter Server 4.0 fails with the error: Host cannot be added to the VCenter as there are not enough Virtual Center Agent Licenses

VMware KB linky pre zalicencovanie standalone VMware ESXi 4.x a ESXi 3.5 free edition:

Licensing ESX 4.0, ESXi 4.0, and vCenter Server 4.0

Licensing the free edition of ESXi 3.5

Managing an ESXi host with the ESXi Management kit
Tu upozornujem na fakt, ze ESXi Management Kit je nahradeny novou generaciou tzv. vSphere Essentials.

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