pondelok 5. októbra 2009

Moznost pouzit View licencie pre virtualizovanie View Manager Software a vCenter

Na VMware stranke http://www.vmware.com/products/view/faqs.html najdete nasledovne:
Q. Can VMware View Manager be run as a virtual machine?
A. Yes, View Manager can be run as a virtual machine and share the same virtual infrastructure. Although it is a server workload and only desktop workloads are allowed with the VMware ESX license included in the View bundle, there is an exception in the End User License Agreement (EULA) that allows for the View Manger workload.
A nasledne si v EULA na VMware stranke http://www.vmware.com/download/eula/view3.html
najdete i nasledovne:
"VMware grants you a nonexclusive, non-transferable license, without rights to sublicense, to (i) install the VMware View Manager Software for the purpose of hosting Desktop Virtual Machines on a Server;

"Server" means a single physical computer of a type that meets the specifications as set forth in the applicable product documentation posted at www.vmware.com/support/pubs/. Multiple computers that share processing power or operate in a networked configuration as a single logical computer, such as a "server farm" or similar arrangement, constitute multiple Servers for the purpose of this EULA."

Cize je mozne pouzit View licencie pre virtualizovanie View Manager Software.

Tu je dalsia z ineho faq dokumentu, je to informacia ktora potvrdzuje fakt, ohladne moznosti virtualizacie vCenter nad licenciami VDI:


Q: Can the VMware View Manager or another vendor’s connection broker component be
run as a virtual machine? What about performance monitoring tools?
A: Yes, there is an exception in the End User License Agreement (EULA) for ESX that allows for
connection brokers, vCenter Server and performance monitoring tools to be run as server
workloads on ESX hosts running VDI licenses.

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