Tu su tuning tipy pre vyladenie Windows 7 pre VMware View 4.5:
So without further introduction here is my list!
* Create VM
* Attach drive to another VM and create a disk partition that it is aligned. Yes still do this if you are using NFS. Storage VMotion and proper tiering mean we need to plan on the VM being different places. (don’t format or anything else just use diskpart to create the volume)
o Diskpart select disk 1
o Diskpart create partition align=64
* Set Virtual Video Card RAM to 128Meg (edit the properties of the VM)
* Install Windows
* Install VMware Tools
* Install All Windows Updates
* Then Set Windows Updates to NOT check for updates
* Join to Domain
* Install VMware View Agent
* Configure the default color setting for RDP by making the following change in the registry:
o HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp – Change the color depth to 4
* Disable COM and LPT ports (In VM)
* Set Backgroup to Solid Color
* Set Screen Saver to None
* Set Sounds to No Sounds
* Set to Windows 7 Basic Theme
* Uninstall Tablet PC Components (unless needed)
* Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
* Disable IPv6 unless needed
* Open Windows Media Player and use default settings
* Open IE8 and do not use “suggested sites”
* Set home page to internal website or bing or google (something light)
* Change IE to prevent programs from suggesting a change of the search provider
* remove Webslice gallery and suggested sites from Toolbars on IE
* Install Adobe Flash Player
* Install Adobe Reader (update to latest from within app) then set to “Do not download or install updates automatically)
* Install Microsoft Silverlight
* Turn off Messages about Virus protection if using floating desktops
* Turn Automatic Computer Maintenance off
* Disable Allow users to browse for troubleshooters
* Disable Allow troubleshooting to begin immediately when started
* Change Visual Effects to Adjust for best performance
* Change power settings to High performance with no sleep timer
* Right click on C:\ Drive and Disable Indexing “allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties” Do all folders and sub folder
* Turn off System Protection on C:\
* run msconfig.exe
o set no GUI boot Set Base Video on
o under startup disable Adobe Acrobat and Reader
* At the command line enter the following: fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1 (Requires reboot)
* Find the Disk TimeOutValue by following the path [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Disk]
o Change the key “TimeOutValue”=REG_DWORD:0×000000be(190)
* Run Disk Clean up and remove everything you can
* Run defragmentation and turn off defragmentation schedule
* Delete all events logs.
* Disable the Windows Firewall (only for floating desktops)
* Make sure to Activate Windows Online or you will get an error (16) with no detail as to what is the problem really is in the view console
Zdroj: http://www.creedtek.com/?p=37
nedeľa 4. apríla 2010
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