streda 29. apríla 2009

Tvrde zastavenie VM v riadku

Sometimes a Virtual Machine can't be stopped via the VIClient. The job just hangs. There are a number of options to stop your Virtual Machine from within the Service Console. Keep in mind that these are last resort options!

  • Stopping the virtual machine by issuing the command vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes///.vmx stop. This must be done on the ESX host where the Virtual Machine is running!
  • If this does not work, one can issue the following command: vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes///.vmx stop hard. This will try to kill the Virtual Machine instantly.
  • A final solution is to kill the PID (process ID). Issue the following command: ps auxfww | grep to locate the correct PID (BTW: this cannot be done via ESXTOP). The first number to appear in the output is your PID. The PID can be used to terminate the process by issuing kill -9 PID.

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