Opakovane sa mi objavuje problem pri pouziti externe instalovaneho VMware Update Managera 5, to znamena instalovaneho mimo VMware vCenter. Tu je moja diskusia na VMware Communities:
streda 22. februára 2012
Chyby vo VMware Update Manager 5 pri upgrade z ESXi 4.1 na 5.0 na IBM serveroch
VMware Update Manager mi opakovane hlasi chybove hlasky. Pri upgrade z ESXi 4.1 na ESXi 5 mi hlasi:
"Software or system configuration of host is incompatible. Check scan results for details."
VMware hlasi tuto hlasku specificky na IBM x3650 serveroch. Tu je informacia z VMware Release Notes:
Upgrade remediation from ESXi 4.x to ESXi 5.0 does not succeed on IBM x3650 M2 servers
Upgrade from ESXi 4.x to ESX 5.0 might fail on IBM x3650 M2 servers and the following error message appears: Software or system configuration of host is incompatible. Check scan results for details.
Workaround: Perform the upgrade to ESXi 5.0 by using a scripted upgrade or an interactive upgrade.
"Software or system configuration of host
VMware hlasi tuto hlasku specificky na IBM x3650 serveroch. Tu je informacia z VMware Release Notes:
Upgrade remediation from ESXi 4.x to ESXi 5.0 does not succeed on IBM x3650 M2 servers
Upgrade from ESXi 4.x to ESX 5.0 might fail on IBM x3650 M2 servers and the following error message appears: Software or system configuration of host
Workaround: Perform the upgrade to ESXi 5.0 by using a scripted upgrade or an interactive upgrade.
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