štvrtok 21. júla 2011

Nova funkcionalita VMware vShield App 5 Data Security

V novom VMware vShield je integrovana RSA technologia identifikacie citlivych dat virtualizovanych operacnych systemov.

vShield App 5 Data Security = awesomesauce and free to try…

streda 20. júla 2011

Co noveho vo vSphere 5 - Storage?

Davam do pozornosti relativne novy dokument pojednavajuci o novinkach v novej verzii vSphere 5. Konkretne sa jedna o oblast Storage.
Jedna z najdolezitejsich noviniek je nova verzia VMFS suboroveho systemu.

Na obrazku je porovnanie VMFS-3 a noveho VMFS-5

What’s New in VMware vSphere 5.0 – Storage

utorok 19. júla 2011

Nova publikacia: VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive

Rad by som upozornil na novu knizku s nazvom VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive. Je to nastupca podarenej knizky VMware vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Technical Deepdive.
Cena elektronickej Kindle Edition verzie je necelych 14 USD.
Davam aj link na rozhovor Erica Sloofa s autormi knizky.

VMware vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive [Kindle Edition]

New Book - VMware vSphere 5.0 Clustering Technical Deepdive (video)

streda 6. júla 2011

iSCSI Initiator na vasom mobile

Zaujimave riesenie iSCSI z mobilu.

KernSafe Free WinCE iSCSI Initiator

Zaregistrujte sa na online VMware Event, utorok 12.7. live z Palo Alto

Zaregistrujte sa a zucastnite sa online VMware akcie, kde bude prezentovat Steve Herrod, Chief Technology Officer. Prezentovat bude taktiez Paul Maritz, President & CEO, VMware

Raising the Bar, Part V

Optimalizacia vykonu VDI prostredia - Atlantis Computing Solutions

Atlantis ILIO is a VDI storage and performance optimization software solution that integrates with VMware View and other VDI offerings to cut storage costs, provide IT teams with more storage options, and boost desktop performance and security.

Atlantis Computing Solutions

Storage Optimization Technology

Ked VAAI na EMC VMAX bezi pomalsie ako tradicna software metoda

When using VMware ESX or ESXi 4.1 versions in conjunction with EMC VMAX, vStorage APIs for Array Integration  (VAAI) Storage vMotion and cloning operations take longer to complete than when using Software (Host) Data Copy. As a result, performance degradation can occur.

VAAI Storage vMotion and cloning operations run slower than software copy
