Zaujimavy blog:
štvrtok 17. decembra 2009
streda 16. decembra 2009
Na co si dat pozor pred migraciou na vSphere
Na co si dat pozor pred migraciou na vSphere:
utorok 1. decembra 2009
Kde sa dvaja biju...
Nasiel som pekny clanok, ktory pojednava o "synergii" Microsoftu a Citrixu v ponukani komplexneho VDI riesenia. V clanku je spomenuty realny priklad z praxe, kde ponukaju timy Citrix a Microsoft VDI riesenie. Do istej fazy spolu timy ladili, ale od momentu, ked prisla rada na hypervisor, zacal kazdy tim doporucovat svoj hypervisor. Vysledkom bolo, ze zakaznik si vybral VMware. Tu je vynatok s clanku:
"The discussion went downhill fast and the meeting ended with the customer frustrated, confused, and wondering why Microsoft and Citrix weren't getting along as was always talked about and that the message was so confusing. So what happened? The customer went with VMware and has since moved deeper into that technology…"
Cely clanok najdete tu:
"The discussion went downhill fast and the meeting ended with the customer frustrated, confused, and wondering why Microsoft and Citrix weren't getting along as was always talked about and that the message was so confusing. So what happened? The customer went with VMware and has since moved deeper into that technology…"
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