utorok 22. apríla 2008

piatok 11. apríla 2008

Citacia z dokumentu o supporte

citujem z dokumentu VMware Technical Support Guide:

"Educate Your Administrators. We have found that customers who invest in VMware education courses for their administrators are much more effective in defining the symptoms of problems and in working with us to resolve the underlying issues. The return on this investment is almost immediate when you consider the cost of the education versus the cost of downtime. VMware has a formal certification program (VCP) that offers technology professionals the knowledge, skills, and credentials to deploy and maintain VMware virtualization technology."

zdroj: http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/support/tech_support_guide.pdf

streda 9. apríla 2008

Strata spojenia medzi VC a ESX po update

VMware ESX 3.0.x Hosts Managed by VMware VirtualCenter 2.5 May Not Respond After Applying VMware ESX 3.5 Patches

VMware ESX 3.0.x hosts managed by VMware VirtualCenter 2.5 must have their Host Agent (hostd) specially configured to work with VirtualCenter 2.5. This configuration is done automatically during the initial installation of the VMware VirtualCenter Agent (vpxa). If a VMware ESX 3.5 patch is subsequently applied that includes the esx-hostd RPM package, like ESX Server patch 1002435, the patch replaces the existing Host Agent (hostd) configuration file (/etc/vmware/hostd/config.xml) and undoes vpxa's changes. This reverting of the Host Agent configuration file breaks connectivity with VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.

Porovnanie VMotion a Quick Migrate

Tu je porovnanie VMware technologie zivej migracie s pokusom o zivu migraciu v podani Microsoft Quick Migrate:


pondelok 7. apríla 2008

Microsoft porovnava VMware k ich rieseniu

Microsoft vypublikoval dokument, ktory sa snazi porovnat ich riesenie virtualizacie s riesenim VMware Virtual Infrastructure.


Tato studia bola vytvarana v Microsoft Virtualization Newsletter. Nanestastie niektore spolocnosti publikuju tieto nekorektne snahy o porovnanie, kde sa porovnava Microsoft Virtual Server (ani nie HYPER-V) s VMware VI3.

Tento dokument je urceny pre IT CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, VPs. Nastastie, vacsina firiem je natolko informovana, ze rozpoznali umysel tohoto dokumentu. Na druhej strane existuje mnoho mensich spolocnosti, kde moze vzniknut presvedcenie, ze MS Virtual Server 2005 moze byt porovnavane s VI3.

Zaujimava je najma cast ohladne Virtual Server v suvislosti s HA a DRS.

Hned pripajam zaujimavy dokument ohladne nezvladnutej technologiie "zivej migracie" od Microsoftu: